
beauty4agent onlyfans reviews

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 by ROR

I subscribed to her Onlyfans in September 2020. I paid 50$ for a custom video in October 2020. As of today, I am still waiting for my custom video. I have reached out to her a couple of times (always within reasons) during the duration of my subscription, which was from September to January. When I first reach out to her, she told me that custom videos are typically delivered 48 hours later. She told me that most of her business on Olyfans is creating custom videos for people. The monthly subscription started at a low price and then increased to 25$ a month, under the sell that everything would now be included with the subscription, longer videos, BG videos, GG videos. I can honestly say that for the amount of content we got each month, it is not worth that price point, because she did not post often. If your thing is only pictures, then I guess you might find your place. If you’re looking for videos however, you’re gonna be left disappointed. In the time I was subscribed there has been maybe 4 to 10 videos out of the 140 that are on her page that are longer than 2 minutes, otherwise it’s the usual Onlyfans creators’ gimmick of posting 7- to 20 secs clip or teasers and call it a day. Then there’s the whole handling of my custom video. After 2 months of not hearing anything back I got in touch with her. She would say, “yeah I got you babe, you will get it by the weekend”. January came and I reached out another time saying that I do not intend to renew my subscription and if she thinks she could give me my custom video before the end of my subscription. She told me her dog had surgery and she had a lot of things going on, but she will try. Never got my custom video and my subscription ended. So between January and May, she never tried to reach out to me. I sent her a DM on twitter asking about which she never responded. In May 2021, I decided to subscribe again to have my custom video sorted out once and for all. I sent her a 5$ tip message, explaining that I would really like if we can find an agreement of some sorts or if it was still possible to get my custom video. I mentioned that it had been paid for ages ago and I’m just trying to check with her if we can sort this out in a respectable manner. I said that I have no issues with somebody saying they can’t perform a custom video any more. Life happens, I get that. So that’s not a problem for me, but surely, you must be able to offer something in return, or as a replacement? Okay you might not be able to give the client his money back, but there must be surely an alternative. Her answer? Here’s what she told me:

“I’m not making customs at this time. My dog is recovering from her second surgery but will let you know when I am able to again”. Soooooooooo … basically, you’re saying that I’ve already waited over 6 months, and I’m meant to wait another indefinite amount of time, because, there is no telling when you might be able to do custom videos again. So what? I’m supposed to stay subscribed forever and wait? I wrote back asking if she really can’t see ANY ways we can sort this out? Like a discount, an equal amount value in videos. She has not replied.

So no, I’m sorry but I cannot vouch for this Onlyfans creator. Stay away from this page. Do not give her your money, or if you get in business with her somehow, make sure she gives the content first before making you pay, which obviously she is never gonna agree to that. You see, it’s not okay to ask a content creator to give out content before the client pays. However, it is perfectly fine to do the opposite! Yeah sure, you can take people’s money and not follow through on sending the content. It’s a two way street. You can't have it one way! And I would have thought that some Onlyfans creator would get that simple logic.