Veronica Santos onlyfans reviews
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First I must say, she is very pretty with a THICK body which is the main reason why I subbed. Caught the sub when she did a sale. My overall experience has been underwhelming filled with pics that are very similar to what you would see on her Twitter lol, and of course that good ol PPV clips which of course average only 3 mins or less. The messaging really done it for me, takes days to reply, with no interaction whats so ever even when tipping. I get it, most people on OF are cash hungry but still the content has to match. I’d recommend to not sub unless it’s a 3 dollar sale, and check out the page but with the main wall, it’s very similar to what you’d see on her Twitter. I will not be resubbing, 4/10.
Outside the review, I’m fairly new to OF. I’d probably stick to the “Best of OF” recommendations on this reddit. I’ve had the best experiences following that thread.