
Gemma McCourt onlyfans reviews

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 1 reviews
 by ROR

I have been a on/off subscriber of this girl for around a year.

She has amazing breasts, and if thats your thing then you will enjoy her pictures. She posts mostly tit pics and short videos, perhaps once every couple of days. My real complaint is the the DM and PPV content. She straight up has lied on what she provides for a tipped content. I tipped her $100, which was advertised on her page to get me several videos, each of five minute length. Instead I got a solitary picture of her pussy, which usually goes for $25. So I was effectively paying $75 for nothing. I messaged her to try rectify this to no response.

Furthermore, she advertised on twitter a free 5 minute video for everyone on Christmas Day. However, she later backtracked on this stating that she would send it later as she "was waiting for some users subscriptions to run out". People who has subbed for this promo have been effectively scammed, yet again.

In addition to this, she advertised another 5 minute video for those with automatic resubbing on. This video when sent out was actually a 2.5 minute video played at half speed. And it wasn't as if it was a 60FPS slowed down to 30FPS, therefore still being of high quality, it was a 30FPS video slowed to 15FPS, ruining the viewing experience for anyone who resubbing specifically for this video.

Her PPV content is overpriced trash. She sold a replay of a 1.5 hour livestream for $200, which was a complete and utter scam, as it was effectively a drawn out version of things she sends out for free. Thankfully I didn't buy this, I know the quality as I managed to catch the livestream for free as it happened.

Lastly, her page is littered with advertisements and luck based promotions. In the last 7 days she has posted 12 advertisements asking for money, as opposed to 3 actual posts, one of which contained nudity. Furthermore she sends out mass DMs promoting other models.

Overall, I would not resub as it is clear that her business practices are becoming increasingly shady and driven by money, not giving the best experience for her fans.

Rating: 2/10